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Mortgage Without Tax Returns

Who Qualifies for Mortgages Without Tax Returns?

Are you looking to purchase a home but don’t have the necessary tax returns? You may be wondering if it is possible to get approved for a mortgage without filing income taxes. The answer is yes, although there are some restrictions and limitations that come with this option. 

In this article we will discuss what options exist when trying to obtain financing without having filed your most recent tax return(s). We’ll also cover how lenders view borrowers who do not file their taxes as well as other important information about mortgages in general.

What Are Your Mortgage Options If You Don’t File Taxes?

While many people assume they need current or past year’s tax returns in order to qualify for a loan, there are actually several ways of obtaining financing even if you haven’t filed any paperwork at all!

If you do not file taxes, you may face difficulties in obtaining a mortgage. This is because most lenders require tax returns as part of the application process to verify income and determine creditworthiness. However, there are some mortgage options available for those who don’t file taxes, including the following.

Bank Statement Loans

These loans are ideal for self-employed individuals who have difficulty documenting their income. Instead of tax returns, you’ll need to provide bank statements that show your income and expenses over a certain period.

Asset Depletion Loans

With these loans, lenders consider your total assets as income. The lender will calculate your debt-to-income ratio based on your total assets, rather than your income. This option is suitable for individuals who have significant assets but low income.

No-Doc or Low-Doc Loans

These loans require minimal documentation, which can be ideal for those who have non-traditional income streams or who have difficulty providing proof of income. However, they often come with higher interest rates and stricter credit requirements.

It’s important to carefully consider whether these options are right for your individual situation, and to work with a knowledgeable mortgage broker who can guide you through the process.

Who Qualifies for Mortgages Without Tax Returns?

Mortgages without tax returns are typically designed for individuals who have difficulty providing proof of income through traditional means, such as tax returns. Some groups of people who may qualify for these types of mortgages include:

Self-employed individuals

Those who are self-employed may not have traditional income documentation, such as W-2s or pay stubs, and may have difficulty verifying their income through tax returns.

Retirees or those with significant assets but low income

Individuals who are retired or have significant assets may have low taxable income, despite having a substantial net worth. They may be able to qualify for a mortgage based on their assets rather than their income.

Those with non-traditional income streams

Some borrowers may receive income from non-traditional sources, such as rental properties, investments, or commissions. They may have difficulty providing proof of this income through tax returns.

It’s important to note that not all borrowers will qualify for mortgages without tax returns. Additionally, borrowers will still need to demonstrate their ability to repay the loan, regardless of whether tax returns are required. It’s important to work with a knowledgeable mortgage professional to determine whether this type of loan is right for your individual situation.

Pros and Cons of Mortgages Without Tax Returns

Mortgages without tax returns can be a useful option for borrowers who have difficulty providing proof of income through traditional means, but they may not be the right choice for everyone. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


Easier application process

With fewer income verification requirements, the application process for these types of loans can be less complicated and less time-consuming.

More flexibility in documentation

Borrowers may be able to provide alternative documentation to prove their income, such as bank statements or proof of assets, making it easier to qualify for a mortgage.

Ability to qualify with non-traditional income

Borrowers who receive income from sources that are not documented through tax returns, such as rental properties or investments, may still be able to qualify for a mortgage.


Higher interest rates

Mortgages without tax returns may come with higher interest rates than traditional mortgages, as they are seen as higher-risk loans.

Potentially stricter credit requirements

Lenders may require a higher credit score or a larger down payment for these types of loans, which could make it more difficult for some borrowers to qualify.

Limited availability

Not all lenders offer mortgages without tax returns, which could limit the borrower’s options.

It’s important to carefully weigh these pros and cons before deciding whether a mortgage without tax returns is the right choice for your individual situation. Working with a knowledgeable mortgage broker can help you make an informed decision and find the best mortgage option for your needs.

Tips for Applying for a Mortgage Without Tax Returns

If you’re considering applying for a mortgage without tax returns, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of being approved. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Work with a knowledgeable mortgage broker: It’s important to work with a mortgage professional who is familiar with the process of applying for mortgages without tax returns. They can help you navigate the application process and find the right lender for your needs.
  • Gather alternative documentation: If you don’t have tax returns to prove your income, you’ll need to provide alternative documentation. This may include bank statements, proof of assets, or documentation of rental income.
  • Improve your credit score: Since these types of mortgages may come with stricter credit requirements, it’s important to work on improving your credit score before applying. This can include paying off debt, making payments on time, and limiting new credit applications.
  • Save for a larger down payment: A larger down payment can help offset the risks associated with these types of loans, making you a more attractive candidate to lenders.
  • Be prepared to pay higher interest rates: Mortgages without tax returns may come with higher interest rates than traditional mortgages, so it’s important to be prepared for this additional expense.
  • Be honest and transparent: Be upfront about your financial situation and provide all required documentation. Lying or providing false information can lead to denial of the loan and legal consequences.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of being approved for a mortgage without tax returns. Remember to carefully consider your individual situation and work with a knowledgeable mortgage professional to find the right loan for your needs.


As shown above, there are ways for people to pursue their dreams of owning homes even if they don’t have the right paperwork. For example, a recently divorced spouse might not have copies of the couple’s joint files from the last few years.

Whatever the reason, the fact is that the same opportunities are out there waiting to be explored and taken advantage of.


Q: What is required to get approved for a mortgage without tax returns?

A: To get approved for a mortgage without tax returns, you’ll need to provide alternative documentation to prove your income and ability to repay the loan.

Q: Can I still get preapproved with no recent income tax returns?

A: It may be possible to get preapproved for a mortgage without recent income tax returns, but the process may be more challenging than it is for traditional mortgages. 

Q: How do lender view borrowers without recent income tax returns file?

A: Lenders typically view borrowers without recent income tax returns files as higher-risk borrowers, as they may have difficulty proving their income and ability to repay the loan

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