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History of NFT Scams on Instagram: Tips to Identify and Avoid Scammers


In recent years, the world of art and collectibles has undergone a digital revolution, thanks to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These unique digital assets have gained huge popularity, attracting artists, collectors, and traders from around the globe. One platform that has played a significant role in this digital token boom is Instagram (aside from Twitter). 

Yet, as the NFT frenzy continues to grow, so does the concern over NFT Instagram scams plaguing the community. In this article, we will delve into the history of digital token art scams on Instagram, explore the tactics used by scammers, and provide you with valuable tips to identify and avoid falling victim to these cunning schemes.

Understanding NFTs and Instagram

Discover a new digital world where NFTs blend art and Instagram. Let’s explore how they connect and reveal a vibrant realm of creativity and potential scams.

What are NFTs and their Connection to Instagram

Before we delve into the darker side of NFTs on Instagram, let’s get a clear understanding of what NFTs actually are. NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are digital assets that represent ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item using blockchain technology. 

This uniqueness makes them particularly appealing to artists and collectors. It allows for the creation of rare and one-of-a-kind digital artworks or collectibles.

Instagram has become a hub for NFT enthusiasts recently. Artists now showcase their digital creations, while collectors proudly display their NFT collections in their profiles. This intersection of art and tech has created an exciting space for NFT artists and traders to thrive.

The Potential Benefits of NFTs on Instagram

The marriage of NFTs and Instagram comes with its fair share of advantages. For digital token artists, Instagram provides an easily accessible and visually appealing platform to show their work to a massive audience. This exposure can lead to collaborations, commissions, and even potential sales of their token creations.

On the other side of the spectrum, collectors find a sense of community and camaraderie on Instagram. Sharing their prized NFT collections allows them to connect with like-minded individuals who share their passion. Moreover, Instagram’s UI-friendly interface makes it convenient for collectors to discover new artists and stay updated on the latest trends in the NFT space.

Exploring the World of NFT Collectors on Instagram

Instagram has evolved into a thriving ecosystem for NFT collectors. These collectors are more than just individuals amassing digital assets; they are curators of an entirely new form of art. Through Instagram, they engage in lively discussions, organize virtual exhibitions, and even participate in NFT giveaways. 

This sense of community and creativity fosters an environment that continues to attract both seasoned collectors and newcomers alike.

Interesting: As of August 2, 2023, the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) boasts a sturdy price floor of $54,764, contributing to an impressive total market cap of $666,152,364.

NFT Scammers on Instagram

Amid the excitement of NFTs on Instagram, be wary of scammers that hide. Uncover their tricks and learn to protect yourself in this guide to spotting an Instagram NFT scam.

Identifying Various NFT Scams on Instagram

While the NFT community on Instagram buzzes with excitement, it’s crucial to be aware of the lurking dangers. Various digital token scams have emerged on the platform, targeting both artists and collectors. One common scam involves impersonating renowned artists or collectors. Also, there are soliciting funds or NFT transfers under false pretenses. 

Besides, fraudulent accounts promising exclusive NFT drops or collaborations lure users into sharing sensitive information. Beware of this! 

Tactics Used by NFT Scammers on Instagram

NFT scammers are masters of deception, using a range of tactics to exploit the trust and excitement of the NFT community. They may employ phishing techniques, sending messages that appear to be from official NFT platforms like Opensea. Also, they may be asking users to verify their accounts by sharing their private keys or seed phrases. 

Once scammers have access to these credentials, they can gain control over victims’ digital wallets and NFT holdings. Another tactic involves creating fake NFT auction sites, tricking users into bidding on non-existent artworks, and disappearing with their funds.

Spotting NFT Scams on Instagram

Step into the domain of NFTs on Instagram, where imagination knows no bounds. Yet, among the brilliance, a darker shade lurks – scams. Fear not, we are here to expose these tricksters. Join us as we navigate the art of spotting NFT scams. Stay tuned!

Tips to Identify Potential NFT Scams

Protecting yourself from NFT scams on Instagram begins with education and awareness. Keep these tips in mind to stay safe:

  • Verify Profiles. Before engaging with any NFT-related accounts, ensure they are verified. Also, confirm they have a reputable track record in the community.
  • Stay Skeptical. Be cautious of unsolicited messages, especially those asking for personal information or quick financial transactions.
  • Double-Check URLs. Always double-check the URLs of websites and platforms before entering sensitive information. Scammers often create convincing replicas of legitimate sites.
  • Research Artists and Projects. If you’re interested in purchasing or collaborating on an NFT project, research the artist or project thoroughly. Authentic creators will have a digital footprint and verified credibility.

Common Red Flags of NFT Scams

Detecting potential scams often involves recognizing certain red flags:

  • Too Good to Be True. Be wary of offers that seem too lucrative or promise guaranteed profits.
  • Urgent Requests. Scammers often create a sense of urgency, pressuring victims to act quickly without taking the time to think.
  • Unusual Payment Methods. Be cautious if asked to use unconventional payment methods or transfer funds to unrelated accounts.
  • Lack of Transparency. If a seller or collaborator is unwilling to provide clear and verifiable information, it’s a major warning sign.

Protecting Your Digital Wallet on Instagram

Protecting your wallet is of the utmost importance. Nobody wants to wake up one day only to see ETH completely wiped out! So, let’s dig deeper into wallet security tips. 

The Importance of Securing Digital Wallets

Your digital wallet is your fortress, safeguarding your NFT assets from potential threats. Treat your wallet’s private keys and seed phrases like the keys to a vault. 

Never share this sensitive information with anyone, as it grants full access to your NFT holdings. Store this information securely offline, away from the prying eyes of scammers.

Best Practices for Ensuring Security of NFT Assets

To bolster the security of your NFT assets, consider these best practices:

  • Use Hardware Wallets: Hardware wallets provide an extra layer of protection. They do it by keeping your private keys offline and away from potential online threats. Consider using Safepal or Trezor. 
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Many NFT platforms and wallets offer 2FA, adding an extra barrier against unauthorized access.
  • Regularly Update Software: Keep your wallet software and security applications up to date to patch any vulnerabilities.

Selling NFTs on Instagram

Let’s explore the process of selling these valuable digital creations on Instagram. Keep reading! 

How to Sell NFTs on Instagram

If you’re an artist looking to sell your NFTs on Instagram, here’s a simple guide to get you started:

  • Create Compelling Visuals. Your NFT posts should be visually captivating, showcasing your digital artwork in the best light.
  • Engage with Followers. Interact with your audience by responding to comments and messages, fostering a sense of trust.
  • Utilize NFT Marketplaces. While Instagram is an excellent platform for exposure, consider listing your NFTs on specialized NFT marketplaces for wider visibility.

Staying Safe During NFT Transactions

When engaging in NFT transactions on Instagram, prioritize safety:

  • Escrow Services. Consider using escrow services for high-value NFT transactions. These services hold funds until both parties fulfill their obligations.
  • Transparency in Communication. Maintain clear and open communication with the other party throughout the transaction process.
  • Verify Identity. Before finalizing any transaction, verify the identity of the buyer or seller through trusted sources.

A troubling trend has emerged on social media – the NFT Discord Moderator Scam. Picture this: a new potential buyer enters the scene, gaining your trust. Then, a twist unfolds – they express the need for extra security to validate your NFT authenticity. They will ask you to contact a fake Discord moderator, a puppet in their scheme, urging you to verify your art. 

The trap is set. They coax you into sending your prized NFT along with a hefty ETH gas fee, often crossing the $100 mark. And in an instant, they vanish, leaving you deceived and scammed. Vigilance is your armor; keep an eye out for this crafty deception. Your NFT treasure deserves a safe haven.

Remember: Opensea and Rarible will NEVER ask for any third-party unauthorized transactions. 

Steps to Take if You Fall Victim to a Scam

In the unfortunate event that you fall victim to an NFT scam on Instagram, here are the immediate steps to take:

  • Secure Your Account. Change your passwords, enable 2FA, and revoke access to any suspicious applications.
  • Report the Incident. Report the scam to Instagram and any relevant authorities, providing all available evidence.
  • Contact NFT Platforms. If the scam involved a specific NFT platform, inform their support team about the incident.


As the NFT landscape continues to evolve, Instagram remains a dynamic platform for artists, collectors, and traders to connect and share their passion for digital art. However, the rise of NFT scams on Instagram serves as a stark reminder that vigilance is paramount.

By understanding the tactics used by scammers, staying informed about potential red flags, and adopting security best practices, you can navigate the world of NFTs on Instagram with confidence. Remember, while the allure of NFTs is exciting, ensuring your safety and protecting your digital assets should always be your top priorities.


Can You Sell NFTs on Instagram?

Yes, you can sell NFTs on Instagram, showing digital art and connecting with buyers.

How is NFT Used in Social Media?

NFTs highlight unique art on social media, deepening creator-community bonds.

What is an NFT Scam on Instagram?

An NFT scam on Instagram involves fake profiles, deceitful deals, and phishing tactics to steal NFTs.

How To Avoid NFT Scams On Instagram?

Stay vigilant: verify profiles, avoid urgent requests, and DYOR. Keep private info secure and learn from trusted sources.

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