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Refinancing a Car Loan: What You Need to Know

When Does Refinancing a Car Loan Make Sense?

Refinancing a car loan can be a great way to save money on your vehicle payments. But if you are thinking of doing it, there are a few things to keep in mind. Let’s take a look at when it might make sense to do so, and some of the factors to consider.

Before you actually refinance your car loan, there are some things to look at first.

  • Interest rate both on your new and old loan. This will help you determine how much extra cash you’ll be able to save by refinancing.
  • Don’t forget to compare your options. There are many refinancing options available to you, so make sure to compare them before making a decision. These options may include private loans or government loans.
  • Consider your credit score. This is one of the biggest factors in determining whether or not you can refinance a car loan. If you have a bad credit score, borrowing costs will be higher.
  • Calculate the cost of the loan repayment plan. This will give you an idea of how much you need to pay each month and how much you can save.

How Does Refinancing a Car Loan Work?

Now that you’ve got an idea of what refinancing a car loan is, let’s take a look at how it works.

Refinancing a car loan- meaning you will replace your current auto loan with a new one. The new loan will pay off the original loan you took out, and this leaves you making monthly payments on the new one. This whole application process doesn’t take much time but be sure to know what it includes before doing anything.

When it comes to refinancing a car loan, the rates depend on the lender you choose but also on your credit score.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Refinancing a Car Loan

In regards to this, refinancing can be a good option for borrowers who are looking to get a lower interest rate or pay off their loan sooner. However, there are a few more benefits and drawbacks you should look at before making any decision. Here we will lay out some of the most important:


  • You can save money on your car loan by getting a lower interest rate- with a lower rate also comes cheaper monthly payments.
  • You will get the cash that can be used for other expenses, such as repairs or new car purchases.
  • Refinancing can help you pay off your car loan sooner
  • If you don’t have the best credit score refinancing can improve it which will make it easier to get other loans in the future.
  • Refinancing can cause insurance reduction or result in some tax advantages – depending on your tax situation.
  • There is a refinancing bonus this is additional money you can get from a lender by refinancing
  • It will reduce your total debt burden choose a good deal and this will make it easier to manage your overall finances.


  • Higher interest rates. Refinancing a car loan can make your interest payments lower but they will still be higher than taking out a more traditional loan. When you refinance you are taking on more debt and that could add up quickly if you settle for a bad deal.
  • Increased monthly payments. Many people refinance their car loan to have some cash flow and to lower their monthly payments but don’t research everything thoroughly and get bad terms on a new loan. In this situation, they can end up paying more every month.
  • The larger total amount owed. When you refinance your car loan before it’s fully paid off, the total amount you owe will be more than if you had just borrowed the same amount from a traditional lender.
  • Increased borrowing costs in the future. There is an increased risk associated with your current borrowings so it can affect your ability to apply for a loan in the future.
  • Bad credit. Refinancing a car loan with bad credit may not be an option for you due to the higher interest rates they will have.

To learn more about the pros and cons of refinancing a car loan consult with a qualified financial advisor.

When Does Refinancing a Car Loan Make Sense?

Deciding to refinance a car loan can sometimes make sense but keep in mind a few things. First, look at your current loan terms and think about how they can be improved. Second, compare different offers and find one that will give you the best possible terms. Finally, consider whether refinancing is the right choice for you based on your budget and credit score.

Does Refinancing a Car Loan Affect Your Credit?

If you were wondering does refinancing a car loan hurts your credit, the simplest answer is yes! This can cause your credit score to drop, so look at and weigh out the pros and cons of doing this beforehand. Be careful to not get yourself into something you don’t know much about. Additionally, refinancing may not be the best option for you and your situation. Here are some things to think about regarding your credit score.

  • If you have good credit, refinancing may not affect it at all.
  • If your credit is bad or borderline, refinancing may lower your score by up to 30 points.

In case you missed one or more payments on your car loan, refinancing might not even be an option for you.

Is Refinancing a Car Loan a Good Idea?

This type of a loan can be a good idea if you have excellent credit, the vehicle you are refinancing is worth more than the original loan amount you took out, and you can get a deal where the interest rate on your new loan is lower than on your previous one.

This whole process may not be a good option if you have poor credit, the vehicle you are refinance on is worth less than your original loan amount, or in case the interest rate on your new loan will be higher than the interest rate on the old loan.

Bottom Line

When it comes to refinancing a car loan you may be wondering- is it worth it? With taking out a new loan, your new interest rate will likely be lower than the one you’re currently paying. This whole process will save you some money on your monthly car payments.

However, there are a few factors to consider before making any decision. First, you need to make sure that you can qualify for a lower borrowing rate. Second, be aware of any fees that may come along with refinancing.

We listed out many pros and cons associated with refinancing a car loan. So, be sure to know all of them and not overlook potential risks that can come with taking out a new loan to cover your previous expenses.

If you need any help in making a decision that best suits your personal situation, we recommend you reach out to a financial advisor to get a second opinion. 

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