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Smartbitboost Review – The Mirage that Exploits Dreams of Wealth

Smartbitboost Review

The idea that this site is trying to sell you is based on highly accurate AI technology used to empower traders to earn thousands of dollars daily. By making a one-time investment of just $250, customers are able to allegedly unlock a range of tools that will be making money for them with 99.4% accuracy! 

Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? How true it is, however, is what we investigate in our Smartbitboost review. 

General information
Name Smartbitboost
Type of the company Affiliate Campaign
Regulation status Blacklisted/ Not expected
Warnings from Financial Regulators CNMV, CONSOB, IOSCO
Website link

Active since 2023-07-14
Registered in N/A
Contact info Data is hidden
Trading platforms None
Majority of clients are from Italy, Spain, Austria, Canada, Switzerland
Customer support No
Compensation fund No

Blacklisted Anonymous Site

No matter which one of the two Smartbitboost AI websites you visit, you won’t find any relevant legal information. Affiliate campaigns do not require any regulation, but some statements on the sites are certain to raise a few red flags.

One of these is the claim that the platform itself is “controlled by computer engineers and brokers registered with CySEC”.

If you choose to ignore the nonsense about computer engineers being registered with CySEC in the first place, you’ll notice that the firm makes no effort to mention which particular engineers or brokers are involved in the project, making any inquiries impossible.

For comparison’s sake, B-Cube AI does not fall under any regulation either, but the website is completely transparent about the legal status of their business.

A sure-fire confirmation that we’re dealing with an illicit business comes in a number of official warnings posted by CNMV, CONSOB and IOSCO.

Shady Legal Documentation

The Terms of Use document never mentions who actually operates the site and in which capacity. Every legal entity is simply called “website”, “operator” or “company”, with no clear indication on who might be behind it.

Allegedly, these Terms were last updated in January 2021, but the site itself was created only in July 2023.

The Privacy Policy document says that the data processing is done automatically, and that this prevents any misuse, which is not very reassuring.

Transparency is the ever persisting issue with these suspicious websites that want you to share your personal information with them, while, at the same time, they remain fully anonymous.

True Purpose of the Site

Many fraudulent companies use so-called boiler room agents to reach their victims directly. They work by phone, online chat services, or rarely through emails. Finding new victims is not an easy task, so these faux firms would pay a nice sum of money for a large pool of prospective investors.

Enter the fake affiliate campaigns – their part of the job is to gather the personal information from interested parties, and sell them to questionable services like Online Trading Campus.

Unfortunately for those that subscribe, they will be made aware of this horrible truth in short order. Before long, their phone will start ringing endlessly, as they find themselves harassed by various miscreants.

These sites require very little in the way of maintenance, meaning that any sold data is pure profit for the schemers. The advertised $250 deposit is just some money they make on the side.

Incredible, Unmistakable AI

Tremendous benefits unlocked with buying access to the unmistakable software are, of course, all fabrications and forged statements. It is yet impossible to build such an accurate software that could successfully predict nearly 100% of trades and profit from every position ever opened. 

Nonetheless these cons try to convince their potential targets that various advantages are provided: high returns, accurate prediction, in-depth analysis and instant signals.

At the same time, users are deceived into believing that all the trading risks are minimized to the point of being completely negligible. 

No matter how attractive all of these features may seem to you as a beginner in the online trading world, be sure that they will not help you become rich quickly and grow as a trader faster.

Limited Time Offer

Many of these sites use perceived scarcity as a means of getting the more hesitant victims to subscribe without enough time to think about the possible consequences. This is a tried and tested marketing method, commonly used in TV infomercial programs.

We can see the strategy in action through various countdowns that claim that registration will be closed in 6 minutes, or that the number of applicants is limited to 15 or something… Only for the counters to reset each time you refresh the site.

Who Is It Intended For?

Fraudsters are aware that professional traders would never fall for their sham. That’s why they advertise their service as something for the inexperienced, first timers in the industry. They claim that their AI-driven software is the holy grail that earns significant passive income with little effort.

Less experienced investors that are especially stressed out about losing a lot from the start need to be assured of the controlled risk with guaranteed passive income. These impostors claim to ensure their clients achieve at least a $1000 daily profit in any given conditions!

Nobody Heard Of The Platform

Even though the website claims that the showcased client testimonials are exceptional cases, the fraudsters remain insistent that these are, in fact, genuine user experiences.

If that was true, you’d expect there to be some feedback on ratings sites like TrustPilot or SiteJabber, but there’s none. What’s more interesting is that the company didn’t even claim their profiles on these platforms.

This tells us that all of the Smartbitboost reviews are fakes, made for the purpose of false advertising.

Another Cryptocurrency Sham

Digital currencies are the ever elusive assets that everyone wants a piece of. Good luck figuring out what really goes on, however, under the sleek and attractive exterior. That is, in essence, what makes them so attractive: high risk and potential astounding profit. 

Unfortunately, charlatans like this one abuse the interest that is sparked in newbie investors and entrap them by claiming to be able to equip even amateurs to make educated decisions and profit big.

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What is Smartbitboost?

It is a phishing scam that sells personal information to illicit companies worldwide.

Is Smartbitboost a Legit AI Platform?

No, their software is a part of the false advertising scheme, intended to make unwary traders subscribe and invest money.

How to Choose the Right Trading Broker?

It’s important to do a thorough legal background research with the relevant authorities, but don’t forget to visit our site for some quick info.

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